Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy on (hence we, us, our, ours, Website, Site) is a formal document that establishes and describes how the user's (hereinafter User, Users, You, Your, Yours)both personal and non-personal information is collected, stored, shared, and used on the Website.

Our services are available exclusively to legal residents of the United States who are at least 18 years old. The Website complies with all applicable federal, state, and municipal laws in the United States. Thus, if You submit Your information to the website via the online form and accept this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, You confirm that You realize that the information You provide on the Site is controlled by these documents. So, before submitting any information on the Website, You should carefully review these documents.

We utilize all security measures to safeguard Website users and Website assets from loss, misuse, unauthorized alteration, or distortion of any information. However, no organization can fully guarantee that Your online experience will be completely safe and that no violation and unlawful interference will occur. The owner of the Website cannot be held liable for any unlawful conduct, security breach, stolen or changed information that occurs outside of the owner's control. To guarantee protection from any malicious activity from the outside, You can request to erase Your data from any listing or database You consider insecure.

If You disagree with or misunderstand the clauses of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and refuse to accept the provisions of the documents stated above, You should stop using the Website's services.

Personally and Non-Personally Identifiable Information

You must enter personally identifiable information (PII) using the Website's online form to use its services. The way this information is collected, stored, shared, and used is determined by the provisions of this Privacy Policy. PII includes but is not limited to Your first and last names, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, employment information, Social Security number, other ID information, banking information.

We also gather non-personally identifiable information (NPII) about You when You use the Website, regardless of whether or not You provide any personal information. The user's behavioral data, such as Internet Protocol (IP) data, browser details, geolocation, user's operating system, referral, exit sites, date and time details, Internet service provider details, and so on, are all examples of NPII. Unless You use the mechanisms to disguise Your NPII or express our desire to cease using Your NPII directly, the NPII we collect from You can be transferred to the third parties with whom we have contracts.

The Use of Personally Identifiable Information

The information You provide to us when filling out the loan form is used to conduct a search and connect You with one or more lenders. When You fill out the form, You express Your desire to be connected with a lender or financial service provider. Furthermore, the information we gather may be used to contact You in order to give marketing information about the items in which You have shown an interest.

Your PII can be shared with governmental entities, disclosed wholly or partially upon request from any authority or authorized organization if such disclosure is lawful and considered necessary.

Additionally, PII can be shared with credit bureaus for consumer reporting (consumer reporting authorization) with Your permission. This method, however, is carried out by lenders on a discretionary basis and is thus governed by the legal instruments governing Your connection with Your lender and other financial providers. Accordingly, it has no bearing on this agreement or the use of this Site and its services.

It is conceivable that Your PII will be transferred and therefore revealed to the receiving party in the event of a merging, acquisition, consolidation, or purchase of the owning business and its assets. According to the court's decision on bankruptcy proceedings, if the owning business is liquidated, the liquidating party or the company's authorized agents can transfer, sell, dispose, or license Your PII following the requirements of the court's decision.

Third Parties

Our third-party lenders can use the information we share with them to check Your identity (through SS number and driving license number, for example) and information against national databases. Additionally, the lenders we work with may need to conduct credit checks and utilize Your PII to get a credit report from one or more credit agencies, including but not limited to the major credit bureaus, to assess the risks involved with offering credit products to You. Your credit score may be lowered as a result of requesting a credit report.
If You continue to use the Website and submit Your information via the online form, You expressly consent to having Your information verified and Your credibility checked under the provisions of the legal documents used to govern and regulate these third-party lenders' practices and communication with You.

Some of Your PII (excluding SS number and other sensitive information such as banking information) will be shared for marketing reasons with some third-party marketers, lenders, and advertisers with whom we work. In this case, as third-party marketers, the receiving parties may use and share this information with other third-party marketers to initiate marketing activity toward You by presenting You with the products you previously expressed interest in.

If You don’t want to receive such marketing messages and offers, You may easily unsubscribe and remove Your information from the lists generated by these third-party marketers by clicking an unsubscribe option ( button or link) in the message. Direct mails, brief messages, online banner advertisements, telemarketing calls, and emails are just a few examples of marketing activities. Apart from that, Your information might be used to track and gather information about Your online behavior and searches. This activity is generally carried out to improve the quality of the services and tailor marketing activities to meet Your demands and expectations.

Third-party marketers' use of Your information is governed by the terms of their legal documents as well as the rules and laws that govern their websites and services. Thus, we bear no responsibility for the way these parties may use Your information. If You want Your information removed from any third-party marketers' lists or databases, You should contact them directly.

You must dismiss this and all other Website pages to stop contacting us and getting additional information. If You have previously provided us with personal information and wish to opt-out of further communication and have Your information removed from our lists and databases, please contact us directly by email address or the other contact information listed on this Website. Your request will be completed, and the data will be deleted from our system.

You may be sure that after Your information has been deleted from our database, it will not be shared with any third parties or utilized for marketing reasons. However, because the information has already been shared with third-party marketers, we cannot be held liable for the messages these third parties send to You. Therefore, to have Your information removed from third-party marketers' databases, You must contact them directly.

Email and Telemarketing

By accepting the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, You agree that we, as well as third-party lenders and marketers with whom Your information is shared in accordance with this Privacy Policy, may use Your PII for marketing purposes, including but not limited to email and telemarketing advertising.

Your PII may be used for direct and indirect contact, such as telemarketing calls, help calls, and credit product and service offers sent to the phone number You provided in the online form.

NPII Collection Methods

If You use the Website or the Websites of third-party lenders and marketers, You may encounter the usage of cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, browser analysis tools, and web server logs. These are tiny files or pieces of code used to monitor and record aspects of Your online activity, such as Your geographical location, IP address, language choices, click history, browsing history, online behavior, and the operating system and browser specifications that You have selected. All of this information is referred to as Your non-personally identifiable information (NPII), and it is gathered and kept in order to personalize Your online experience.


These are small unique files that the Website server assigns to the users of this Website when these users make visits and perform activities on the Website (such as linking and clicking). Once installed on the user's computer, these cookies gather information about the user's online behavior, browsing history, and user experience and send it to us or third parties authorized to collect this information from You. Cookies are used to enable user recognition, evaluate user preferences, and alter the services given online based on the data gathered.

Cookies come in a variety of sizes and lengths. Session cookies, also known as temporary cookies, are used for a single action on the Page and are deleted immediately after the user quits the browser or website. Permanent or persistent cookies are retained for a more extended period of time and stay in Your computer even after You leave the website. You can modify Your cookie preferences manually in Your browser's settings and erase them if You want to.

Pixel Tags and Web Beacons

These are tiny graphics placed on web pages and emails to track user behavior. They are used to track the user's behavior during the session, allowing for further customization and optimization of marketing campaigns and promotions.

Log files store such information as IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, platform type, date/time stamp, click records, referring and leaving sites, and so on. These files are also utilized to offer adjustments and improve user experience online, particularly on websites.

Collecting Information from Minors

Information from children under the age of 18 is prohibited and will not be conducted on the Website. We will remove any PII obtained from a user under the age of 18 as soon as we discover it. We observe and comply with the Children's Privacy Protection Act («COPPA»). Our Privacy Policy is designed in consideration of the terms of this Act since we do not voluntarily collect, retain, distribute, or utilize any PII from users under the age of 18.


According to Federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, the users who give their consent and e-sign electronic documents agree to receive copies, disclosures, and notification in electronic format, provide the information via electronic means and allow sharing of this information according to the provisions of privacy policies, terms of use and other applicable laws and regulations and conduct business electronically.
Any electronic communication received after You have provided Your e-consent shall be deemed "in writing" and have the same force and effect. The copy should be printed for records.

Links to Third-Party Websites

The Website may contain links to third-party websites. It may connect users of the Website to third-party lenders via links. The privacy of information submitted by users on external websites is governed by the rules set out on such websites and has no bearing on this Website. Furthermore, these third parties' websites have their own privacy policies and regulatory papers. Thus, it is strongly advised that You check these legal documents and disclosures separately before providing any PII on their websites.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

The owner of the Website maintains the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without prior notification. If there are any changes or revisions, the updated information will be posted on the website. The document's effective date will be amended to the most current version of the Privacy Policy. By default, all data is treated according to the version of the Privacy Policy in effect when the data was acquired.

Privacy Rights of California Residents

Companies that collect Personally Identifiable Information from California residents and disclose it to third parties (including affiliated entities) for marketing purposes must either (1) provide a list detailing the categories of information shared and the entities to which such information was provided, or (2) provide a mechanism for a consumer to opt out of having their information shared with third parties in response to a consumer's request.

California citizens have the right to file complaints with the California Department of Consumer Affairs, 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, CA 95814; by phone at 916-445-1254 or 800-952-5210; or by email at [email protected].